Armani Eloise
Armani Eloise
Data Visualisation & Storytelling
Art & Design
Kings College London
BSc Mathematics
First Class Honours
Groningen, Netherlands
Here you will find some of my art and craft work, which includes:
Glass painting
Data art
Drawing & painting
Candle making
Alternatively, if I see an object or material of interest, I can start working with it to discover something new.
The multifaceted nature of my work arises from many areas in life I like to immerse myself in and feel inspired by. I have a great affinity for our world and the universe and find myself in awe of the beauty and wonder around us.
I was born in the beautiful county of Yorkshire, England and now live in mainland Europe.
My interest in Mathematics started after taking some time outside of the classroom. Thinking about it holistically, I realised this was a subject that resonated with something deep within and I wanted to pursue it further.
After graduating and trying out different fields, I discovered that a career with a blend of creativity and analytical thinking is what suited me best. This brought me to the Netherlands, where I worked as an analytics consultant and trainer, and now as a visual designer in the field of data visualisation.
After exploring different pathways in life, I find that my biggest passion and skill lies in visualising, discovering and creating.